Fast forward to new millennium and we see the pile of news channels, pushing content towards viewers just to get more TRP. They don’t care whether the news they are broadcasting is valid or being authenticated from concerned authorities. Media, especially Electronic, is trying to do only thing, To Win the WAR of EXCLUSIVE CONTENT. They just want to claim that they were the first one who brought this news towards you. And they get senseless don’t even care whether its a Bomb Blast news or any other terrorist activity. They don’t even care that by showing those images and dead people they are making all those who are watching a physicist. Now prime time is covered with Talk shows culture, where you don’t see a solution to any problem. One political party blame other and they blame other. And rather then moderating the forum and coming out with a solution at the end of the show, Anchor or Host just do the provoking job and we at home watching it, get more negative minded that if our politicians are like this, then what is going to happen with this country.
I believe its a job of Media to brand a country and to promote positivisms. Do we even know that Cricket World Cup is just a week away and PAKISTAN is a defending champion. But not a single TV channel or any media company promoting our team nor showing any campaign.
And yet they claim they haven’t got proper Freedom of Speech.
In the end i would like to share a video,which actually provoked me to write this post. Made by students of IoBM, Noman Minai and Ayesha Huda. Seriously a great work done by them.
Part 1.
Part 2 .